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Work Orders
  • GUI version of WO-D Pick List available (Evo-ERP only)
  • Added Stock UM as reference to WO-G screen
  • WO-C Traveler can include parent part Bin Location (Evo-ERP only)
  • Multi-Yield Work Orders with lot controlled assembly can now properly create the Lot records for the assemblies
  • WO-D now suggests the Work Order Location

    Job Cost
  • New JC-S Work Order Detail report

  • Electronic Signature available for PO Approval (Evo-ERP only) (New PO-T Program and optional in PO-A & PO-B based on Default Setting)
  • PO-I-A/E/F report fix for negative receipt of UM=LOT adding to the total rather than subtracting
  • PO-I-A has option to print Allocations when sorted by Item
  • PO-I-A & PO-I-E Allocation list can filter by WO Due Date

  • MR-J Bug creating blank POs fixed
  • MR-K Bug creating blank RFQs fixed

  • New SH-K Work Center Load program displays work orders currently active in a Work Center and lists pending Work Orders for the Work Center waiting to be started (Evo-ERP only).

    Data Collection
  • Data Collection can suggest the Work Order or Sequence Start Quantity as the quantity to report when reporting labor.