Contents -

  • AP-A saves changes to subsidiary companies
  • AP-A fix for saving Contact information
  • AP-B fix for GL debit and 00/00/00 dates 
  • AP-B fix for pulling in wrong account description when departments are used and have different descriptions
  • AP-C would give a message that an invoice had been created as a voucher & couldn't be reversed if the invoice number existed as a voucher for a different vendor
  • AP-F now has Electronic Payment option to enable processing electronic payments without going through the extra steps of printing dummy checks
  • AP-H Evo fix for check format 2
  • GL-B fixes to make navigation more intuitive 
  • GL-B fix for out of balance message for entry that is actually in balance
  • GL-N Esc key was causing Internal Stack Error
  • New program AM-R Out of Balance Report can be run on posted or unposted transactions