Contents -

  • WO-D Bin printing corrected
  • WO-F Scrap quantity was backflushing even when answering No
  • WO-G can now be contriolled by default setting to prevent negative on-hand
  • WO-I Scrapped Lot Controlled items were adding to the Lot On Hand quantity
  • WO-I can now assign Serial Numbers by range rather than entering one at a time
  • New program (Evo only) WO-K-I that updates work orders within a Work Order or parent item range with changes to BOM/Routing master and generate exception list of WO that could not be updated because materials or labor had already been applied
  • New default setting to apply full overhead rate to labor for all members of a team
  • Employees (such as temporary employees) can be exempted from overhead when charging labor to work orders
  • PO-A tax defaults fixed
  • PO-A bug mixing lines on different POs fixed 
  • PO-A Due Date changing fixed
  • T6POA error 88 fixed
  • PO Digital Signature was not recognizing password
  • PO-C occasionally going into a loop fixed
  • PO-C can (based on default) issue materials for components tied to Outside Processing Sequence when Service pO is received
  • PO-C call to PO-J A was printing travelers for all receipts of the PO rather than limiting to the current receipt
  • PO-I-F report not properly extending value for LOT UM
  • PO-J-B was excluding parts in QC as of a prior date if the PO had since been closed
  • JC-O was always adding Setup time to Run time when calculating Standard Hours
  • JC-S excluded Overhead unless both Fixed and Variable Overhead had values
  • MR-F new option to include or exclude reorder levels
  • MR-J New field for Pricing method now defaults to C which is standard vendor contract pricing/Last Cost logic
  • DC-A (GUI version) clocking out of multiple jobs was not closing them all together