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  • Changes to Work Orders now tracked in WORKCHG file.
  • WO-C can use RTM Print Group for inventory to have multiple Traveler RTM formats for different items.
  • WO-D can print Evo LInked Documents with separate setting than Traveler
  • WO-L-C has new option to break out by Machine and Department
  • PO-A Delete Line now prompts to also delete related comment and component lines.  Other miscellaneous fixes as well
  • PO-C numerous fixes and stability improvements
  • PO-I-H report was treating items that arrived exactly on the due date as late.  Fixed.
  • PO-J-C was not correctly updating the quantity in QC if a transaction was both accepting some good parts and rejecting bad ones.  Fixed.
  • DC Labor reporting Setup can also enter parts completed & scrap (based on default setting)
  • DC reporting scrap can enter multiple scrap codes
  • New default setting to allow employees to clock into a job one day and clock out several days later and it posts the actual intervening work time based on shift schedule and shop calendar