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  • SA-A Item Qty is now Ship Qty not total qty for Closed Bookings and balance for Open Bookings.
  • SA-A Added Group filter and option to use customer SLSP rep and option for Rep 1 or 2
  • SA-M & SA-N (Evo) were including tax & freight even when not selected.  Fixed.
  • SO-C & SO-F have an option to print using Standard Pack Quantity (Line item quantity divided by standard pack).  SO-F also recalculates price accordingly.
  • SO-G was calculating tax on freight if freight is set as taxable even if the order is non-taxable.
  • SO-G no longer prompts for Bins for lines for Manufactured Options
  • SO-N (Evo) was creating Work Order for Type N item when not selected.  Fixed.
  • SO-N was attempting to create work orders for sales orders beyond the range selected.  Fixed.
  • SO-O-E Added Sort By SO Number and Est Ship Date (Evo version)
  • SO-O-G Added Option to include all Open SO Lines and indicate "No WO Order" if no match WO is found (Evo version)