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Work Orders
  • WO-F Added Balance logic for backflushing components (SD-Q Default)
  • WO-G Fixed message that On Hand would go negative if a component was not on the WO BOM even if there was stock
  • WO-I Add Last Cost date and (based on SD-Q setting) Base Price to screen 
  • WO-I Correct balance Logic backflushing of negative quantity components
  • WO-I now allows default Bin to be cchanged for Serialized items
  • WO-K-B add option to view archived work orders
  • WO-K-B Edit component, return back to the list on the same component rather than the top of the list
  • WO-K-D fixed Actual Start Date when work orders created as Status R

    Purchase Orders
  • PO-B has option to exclude zero balance lines
  • PO-B Save Default RTM Fixed
  • PO-C calculates Freight % based on standard cost when costing method is Standard
  • PO-C can receive type N parts at PO price rather than Standard Cost when costing method is Standard (SD-Q Default)
  • PO-C Items received to Work Order no longer prompt for a Bin Location
  • PO-E was pulling lines from a different RFQ if you opened a second without closing the program
  • GUI version of PO-I-G (Evo-ERP only)
  • PO-J-C Items received to Work Order no longer prompt for a Bin Location

    Job Cost
  • JC-M Added option to print Dormant Work Orders (Open WO with no transactions since a specified date)

  • MR-G Not all BOM Components were printing when "Print BOM Components" was selected
  • MR-H Not all BOM Components were printing when "Print BOM Components" was selected